Saturday, December 11, 2010

Small Business Tax Credits

Does your Small Business have less than 25 employees with average annual wages under $50,000? If so, you may be eligible for a tax credit of up to $35,000. Click link for details.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Advantages of Individual Insurance for Employees

Employees should consider Individual coverage vs. Employer Group plans, due to the following reasons:

1. Individual Health & Life coverage is normally 50%-70% less expensive than Group plans. Employee costs may be higher or lower, depending upon the portion paid by the Employer.

2. Individual coverage for dependents is always far less expensive than group premiums.

3. Individual plans are portable from Job-to-Job or State-to-State.

4. Pre-existing conditions can cause you to be declined by Individual Carriers.

5. Plans can be designed to match your desired coverage benefits vs. a choice of 1-2 carriers

6. Eliminates need to pay high COBRA premium, if you are eligible.

7. If you are also self-employed, you can write-off 100% of premiums and out-of-pocket expenses for Medical, Dental, Vision, Rx, etc.

8. Employers can now establish a Section 105 HRA to pay up to 100% of premiums for Employees.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

What is the best and safest Retirement Plan?

What do experts agree is the best and safest Retirement Investment Plan?

Indexed Universal Life Insurance (IUL) is a Tax Free investment that puts the owner in control of their retirement and not Uncle Sam!

It’s perfect for individuals and business owners and has more “living benefits” than the actual death benefit that is included with the investment. These policies are not classified as “Qualified Plans” by the IRS, so they are the perfect investment to save for retirement. An IUL is a permanent cash-value life insurance product that is designed to outperform Whole Life, Universal Life and Variable Life without the catastrophic downside risk.  In fact, zero downside risk! 

Universal Life is considered to be the best possible vehicle for Tax-Free Retirement Savings, College Funding, Financial Protection and Retirement Savings.

The Tax-Free Income derived from the IUL policy can be far greater than the after tax income from a 401-K, 403-B, Certificates of Deposit, Annuities, Stocks, Bonds or an IRA.

IUL policies provide the following advantages:

* Cash Value
* Flexible Premiums
* Guaranteed to Age 120
* Interest based on 140% of S&P 500 (Ex. 5% Actual = 7% Gain)
* Minimum 2% Fixed Interest Rate
* Policy Loans
* Tax-Free Retirement Benefits
* Upside Gains with Zero Downside Risk

In addition, one of our plans pays up to 75% of the face value in case of Critical Illness, Chronic Illness, Disability, Long Term Care or Terminal Illness at no additional charge.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Reduce Taxes $3,500 to $5,000 Per Year

Would you like to write-off 100% of your Medical & Dental Insurance Premiums, plus out-of-pocket expenses?  We can show you how!  

Revised IRS Section 105 HRA regulations can reduces taxes $3,500 to $5,000 per year for most clients.

Eligible expenses include: Medical, Medicare, Dental & Vision Insurance Premiums; Deductible; Co-pays; Co-insurance; Prescription Drugs; OTC Rx Medication; Eye Exams, Glasses, Contacts; Disability/Long Term Care Insurance; Term Life; Alternative Care; Chiropractic; Massage Therapy; Preventive Care; Smoking Cessation; Weight Loss; and most other out-of-pocket expenses. Click Here for complete list.

Earn 4.0% Tax Deferred Interest Guaranteed!

Our new Wealth Builder Life policy provides the opportunity to:

1. Receive 100% Return of Premiums, plus interest @ Age 65 in most cases
2. Guaranteed 4.0% Minimum Interest
3. Tax Deferred Interest for Life
4. 10% 1st Year Annual Growth Rate
5. Critical Illness / Disability Benefit Pays 50% of Face Value
6. $50 Minimum - $100 Maximum Monthly Premium
7. Up to $20,000 Lump-Sum Deposits without Approval
8. Unrestricted 3-Day Access to Funds
9. No Load or Commissions
10. No Penalty or Surrender Fees

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Revolutionary Life You Don't Have To Die To Use!

Do you have coverage for Critical & Chronic Illness, Disability and Long Term Care?

We all know someone who has suffered a Critical or Chronic Illness and lived. Did their policy pay them a benefit? The answer is always – NO!  Well, the Revolutionary Life policy DOES.

How much better would their life have been if they received a check for $100K, $250K or more?

The new Revolutionary Term and Universal Life policies include Accelerated Living Benefits at no additional cost, so the premiums are normally no higher than plans that only pay a Death benefit.

Click Here for details and premiums.

Friday, September 17, 2010

$150K-$400K Healthcare Costs After Medicare

According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute and Society of Actuaries, the average retired couple will need over $150K-$400K in the bank to ensure they have enough money to cover their medical costs over and above what Medicare covers.

They found that only 7% of people between the ages of 50 and 64 feel very confident that they are saving enough funds to afford healthcare costs in retirement, while 62% feel that they're not at all confident.

A 2010 government forecast showed that yearly healthcare inflation will be over 6% for the remainder of this decade. What most Americans don't realize is that health expenditures can really increase once you've retired. 

This does not include healthcare reform legislation or nursing home care costs. Over their lifetimes, a couple may have costs amounting to $1 million or more for the care of becoming older and more frail.  Nursing home care expenses can be over $70,000 per person per year.

It is imperative that the young and old review their insurance and financial protection plans to safeguard their health and wealth.

Contact us for low-cost plans to reduce or eliminate your financial risk.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Top 10 Strategies to Reduce Your Premiums

The following provides a link to the Top 10 strategies to reduce your Health and Life Insurance premiums.

Click Link