Saturday, June 30, 2018

Accident and Critical Illness Protection

We have a variety of low-cost policies that provide cash benefits in case of:
  1. Accidents
  2. Chronic Illness or Disability
  3. Critical Illness (Cancer, Heart Attack, Stroke, etc.)
  4. Terminal Illness
  5. Death
The Tax-Free funds can be used to cover deductibles, household expenses, lost income, medical bills, mortgage payments, travel or any other purpose.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Medical Identity Theft

Medical services-related identity theft was up 40% last year. That's not surprising when you think about all the organizations that have our personal health information.
You do what you can to stay healthy.
Identity Theft is the #1 complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. And, virtually all Banks, Credit Cards, Hospitals, Retailers and other companies have been attacked and your information has been stolen.
How safe is your PHI? Are you at risk for medical identity theft? Would you recognize the symptoms?
Click Here to get Identity Theft Protection or go to  
ID Shield Logo

Friday, June 15, 2018

Low-Cost Financial Protection

In addition to a death benefit, the Accelerated Living Benefits riders can advance up to 90% of the face value (depending upon the severity) in case of Chronic, Critical or Terminal Illness.

Funds can be used for any purpose, such as Lost Income, Long Term Care, Home Healthcare, Living Expenses, Medical Bills, Mortgage Payments, Travel, College Funding, etc.